🌟How to Get Your Kids More Involved in Thanksgiving this Year
Plus, holiday budgeting + good news for grandparents
Spending Time with Grandkids Improves Grandparents’ Mental Health

Lean into your parents helping out more with your children (and forward them this story for reference): A new study finds that grandparents who get to see their grandkids often have better mental health and are less lonely.
Ever Wondered Why Your Gym Clothes Never Smell 100% Clean?
It’s because activewear uses tightly woven synthetic fabrics to wick away sweat while you workout.
Unfortunately, traditional detergents use fabric softeners that can coat over sweat, dead skin, & bacteria trapping them inside these fabrics.
So once your body starts heating up… the smell inevitably returns.
ACTIVE solves this by using a scientifically formulated, all natural enzyme blend to break down these trapped contaminants once and for all!
Finally a solution to your smelly activewear!
5 Ways to Avoid Overspending on Your Kids This Holiday Season

No surprise: parents are feeling the pressure to spend more on their kids this December than they intended, but you can get them cool Christmas and Hanukkah gifts without breaking the budget. Here’s a handful of ways to keep your holiday shopping in check:
Take inventory before you shop.
Set and maintain a budget.
Gift experiences instead of things.
Check second-hand sites and local Buy Nothing groups.
Search for online coupons.
7 Ways to Involve Your Child in Hosting Thanksgiving Dinner

Put those kiddos to work! Children can and should take on chores in the kitchen if you’re hosting the Turkey Day feast at home this year. Here’s a few ways to include them in the big day, and teach the importance of responsibility.
While many baby boomers are thriving as grandparents (see above ⬆️), others are struggling with the realities that they’ll never become a grandparent at all
According to a new poll, the majority of parents think Christmas Day is the worst day to have a baby
Tom Brady’s parenting two cents is that modern parents are too “soft” with their kids. Basically, we need to let them fail more often?!
Lights out at 7:30! A pediatrician on TikTok shares why an early bedtime for middle and high schoolers is a must
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced this week as a parent?(Choose one or write in your own) |